
Made in Canada

Made in Canada

Using the best quality metal to suit your needs, our entire product range is designed and manufactured in-house

Custom Made

Custom Made

With over 300 designs to choose from & bespoke pieces available on request, your next design feature can be found here

Built to Last

Built to Last

Through eco-conscious sourcing & production methods, we create products that are made to last


We design and manufacture conversation-starters for your home. Here’s what some of our customers have to say about Zen Space Designs

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Cathy Soto

1 year ago

“Exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo con

Anita Graham

Anita Graham

1 year ago

“Exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo con

Alvin Rice

Alvin Rice

1 year ago

Indoor Products

Tie your design together with decorative privacy panels and indoor furniture to suit every aesthetic and budget.

Outdoor Products

Outdoor Products

Create an outdoor space that breathes new life into your home with ornamental wall panels, room dividers, and quality outdoor furniture made to last.

What’s Popular Right Now

Just some of the products our customers are currently enjoying

Who We Are

Inspired by a love of art, metal, and design engineering, Zen Space Designs uncovers new ways to incorporate long-lasting materials in striking designs into residential and commercial properties.

Having started with a focus on adding privacy to corporate spaces and homes with decorative panelling and custom room dividers, our product range has now evolved to meet the demand for quality metal furniture and home accessories.

As a family-run business based in Canada, we also want to honor the integrity of in-house design and manufacturing. We do this by creating made-to-order pieces that outshine mass-produced products at every level.